A unique blend of psychosynthesis and directive coaching techniques to make your dreams a reality.

A journey of Self discovery that unlocks your connection to the universe.

Where it all began

How I went from being anxious, selfish, angry, emotionally disconnected, and lonely to living a meaningful, purpose driven life, synthesized with drive, compassion, courage and happiness.

Have you ever felt so alone, misunderstood, confused about how other people think or behave? Feeling like everything that other’s do directly impact your field of emotions and energy? You’re definitely not alone, I’ve been there too.

All my life, I was ‘asleep’ as I call it, until one day a few years ago, after way too much partying I had my ‘dark night of the soul’ and could not bear to continue living my life if nothing changed. I was living in what society deemed a ‘successful’ life. I was a hair stylist booked out solid for 3 months with a waiting list. 10 years of experience working in Miami, Boston, and Manhattan, had my own assistant, making 6 figures before I was 30 years old. Considering monetary success was all that I cared about, I was deeply unhappy and completely unaware of it. I had a lot of friends, would go out all the time, travel a lot, work really hard, and party harder. I would binge drink to mask the insecurities, and to quiet my nagging and never ending thoughts. I was very addicted to my Juul, I took more hits from my vape than regular breaths of oxygen. These substances I clung to, not only suppressed the deep repressed emotional wounds, but created more anxiety and unhappiness.

The emptiness was always there, beginning in my childhood. All of my limiting beliefs and unconscious automatic behaviors became the core of my personality. I had a severe abandonment wound from an absent father, which grew stronger with unhealthy relationships with men. I pushed down these emotions until they were no longer in my conscious awareness, until it all came to a volcanic eruption that day in December. I didn’t know exactly what I needed but I knew deep down in my core I needed to drastically change something. I started therapy shortly after, but still felt like I needed something more.

I was not a spiritually curious person at that time, in fact, I knew nothing about spirituality at all. However, I was quite curious and held a deep desire to learn. I was interested in human behavior, psychology, logic, and drive, reading an occasional book on Buddhism. Considering I was so desperate, I signed up to see an energy healer and coach in LA for the next few months. I was resistant and afraid, but the desperation I had to change was stronger. That was another quality I had, immense drive to dive head first into whatever I set my mind to. This was the beginning of my healing journey, and when I decided to devote everything I had to Self discovery. I set out to heal the neglected parts of me, understand my limiting beliefs, practice quieting my mind, break my negative habits, and find my purpose.

One summer night, after a long day of work, I was gazing out the window of my Uber, reflecting on the conversation I had with my last client. She opened up to me about all of the things she was going through and broke down in tears. Her boyfriend had left her and that relationship was essentially her whole life and identity, leaving her feeling completely alone, confused and lost. After a meaningful and heartfelt 4 hours, she felt like a new woman. Her smile and gratitude was contagious. She thanked me for not only her beautiful hair color, but also for the deep support and conversation that completely shifted her perspective on her life situation. This conversation with a client was not dissimilar to others, but that day, and that moment, gazing out the window, I had received profound clarity on my purpose. What made me overwhelmed with joy, love, and gratitude; was not only helping others move through blocks in their life, but to guide them into a happier, empowered existence.

With a degree in psychology, I was looking for a way to help others but with a deep connection to something greater. Not completely sure what I was searching for until I landed on the Psychospiritual Institute. I went through a year of training, psychosynthesis development of my own, energy healing, and read a TON of books. And that my friend, is what led me here, and you, reading these very words. You could call it a coincidence, but I call it divine timing. I am so thankful for my journey so far, and even more excited to share the beauty and magic of psychosynthesis with you, if you feel called to this deep work like I was. It would be my honor to guide you through your own inner world, to remove what no longer serves you, synthesize the neglected parts of you, and help you build the life of your dreams.


Your Soul Guide,
